Page:Don't Throw It, Give It

As the end of term fast approaches and it’s time to start thinking about moving out, your Students’ Union is here to help! If you have loads of stuff that you no longer need or want we can help you dispose of it in a safe and ethical way.


You can donate clothing, fabrics and general materials which will be donated to the LBSU Thrift Shop.

Finished with your books? Fiction or non-fiction, academic or not we need your donations and it will make your suitcase lighter. Donate to our Dementia Reading Project and our LBSU Thrift Shop to help students and your community.


There will be donation points at:

- Kirkstall Brewery
- Carnegie Village
- Marsden House
- LBSU Offices Offices
- Student Hub Headingley
- Student Hub Rosebowl