Page:Increased Eating Disorder Awareness - Proposals based on an online campaign and survey analysis

Increased Eating Disorder Awareness - Proposals based on an online campaign and survey analysis

by Deleted User 13 May 2020, 14:53

Category: Your University

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1. Lobby the university to provide updates on Eating Disorders including research 

2. More readily available resources on Eating Disorders 

3. SU stance - taking a more active approach to Eating Disorder Awareness

4. consjistent breaks for food during long lectures and days at universty 

5. Work on perceptions of Eating Disorders - Work wth liberation groups and students to broaden/ widen the perception of Eating Disorders only affecting women 

6. Space on the SU Website for Eating Disorders and recognising the signs 


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    Deleted User   wrote, 07-10-2020 - 10:07

    This is definitely incredibly important, there's just not enough information in uni about EDs even though it is prevelant in student communities

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